


Reef Check - A Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Empowering People to Save Our Reefs and Oceans


Founded in 1996 by marine ecologist Dr. Gregor Hodgson, the Reef Check Foundation is an international non-profit organizatidedicated to conservation of two ecosystems: tropical coral reefs and California rocky reefs. With headquarters in Los Angeles and volunteer teams in more than 90 countries and territories, Reef Check works to create partnerships among community volunteers, government agencies, businesses, universities and other non-profits. Reef Check goals are to: educate the public about the value of reef ecosystems and the current crisis affecting marine life; to create a global network of volunteer teams trained in Reef Check's scientific methods who regularly monitor and report on reef health; to facilitate collaboration that produces ecologically sound and economically sustainable solutions; and to stimulate local community action to protect remaining pristine reefs and rehabilitate damaged reefs worldwide.

In 1997, Reef Check conducted the first-ever global survey of coral reef health that provided scientific confirmation that our coral reefs were in crisis due to over-fishing, illegal fishing, and pollution. The results, published in a scientific journal in 1999, shocked many marine biologists who had not realized the extent of human impacts on reefs. In August 2002, Reef Check released its first five-year report, The Global Coral Reef Crisis – Trends and Solutions, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa. Based on data collected by thousands of Reef Check volunteer divers in over 80 countries and territories, the report was the first scientific documentation of the dramatic worldwide decline in coral reef health over a five year period. The report concluded that there was virtually no reef in the world that remained untouched by human impacts, such as over fishing, pollution and climate change. Yet the success stories discussed in the report show that, with proper monitoring, management and protection, coral reefs can recover. It is up to us. 
Since then, Reef Check's fast-growing network has expanded throughout all tropical seas, and has played a major role in efforts to preserve and sustain reef ecosystems. Reef Check’s approach is to engage partners, especially businesses in a non-confrontational manner to develop mutually beneficial solutions especially the creation of self-funding Marine Protected Areas. In 2005, Reef Check launched its first 
temperate reef program in California.
Reef Check has received international environmental awards for its work, and is the United Nations' official community-based reef monitoring program.
Reef Check carries out its work through three major programs:

EcoDiver Program – an education and certification program for kids to adults who want to learn more about the ocean and take part in protecting reef ecosystems.

Coral Reef Management Program – a coral reef monitoring and management system that focuses on establishing Marine Protected Areas to conserve coral reefs while encouraging sustainable use of surrounding reefs by local residents.

Reef Check California – a volunteer monitoring program for California rocky reefs designed to provide data for managers and to build a conservation constituency among California divers.

Reef Check is devoted to the following goals and objectives:

-  Educate the public and governments about the value of coral reefs and rocky reef ecosystems and the crisis facing them

-  Create a global network of volunteer teams, trained and led by scientists, that regularly monitor and report on reef health using a standard method

-  Facilitate collaborative use of reef health information by community groups, governments, universities and businesses to design and implement ecologically sound and economically sustainable solutions

-  Stimulate local action to protect remaining pristine reefs and rehabilitate damaged reefs worldwide especially through the creation of Marine Protected Areas.

Reef Check and Divepersia 

We are proud to be the only Reef Check Eco Diver facility in Iran where the Reef Check courses are held.

Reef Check Training Facilities are facilities that are officially able to offer Reef Check courses and have Eco diver trainers, team scientists )marine biologists) and necessary equipment. By completing the Reef Check Certification Course, the participants will receive an official Reef Check Certification Card.

You can find us in the list of Reef Check certified training facilities now.

Click here to view Reef Check website.

Reef Check Courses

Have you ever thought of knowing more about marine creatures and coral reef ecosystems? The Reef Check program allows anyone with an interest in the ocean to learn more about coral reefs. Reef Check combineseducation with action to give volunteers a unique experience while taking an active role in conserving the world’s reefsand to combat the crises affecting our reefs today. The world’s reefs are changing fast, and it is up to us to ensure that reefs are around for future generations.

Enroll in a discover reef check To know more about this program or if you want to do more,enroll in a EcoDiver certification course that qualifies you to help our teams to monitor reefs worldwide.

To get more information about Reef Check Eco-diver courses Click here. 




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